
Common Questions About Instagram’s Newsfeed Changes

For the past few weeks Instagram has been in the news for their new algorithm change. The update is expected to make all newsfeeds more customized for users, meaning users will see more content that benefits them. This essentially will help cut back on spam posts. Although, there has been mixed reviews from some concerned Instagram users. Here’s what you need to know about the update:

What is the update?
Before this announcement, posts on Instagram were shown in chronological order, similar to  Twitter. The update to the newsfeed algorithm will slash how this content is shared, and it will cater to each users’ needs, similar to how Facebook delivers content to your newsfeed. This change is what is making some users upset because they’re worried about losing impressions on their content.

Will hashtags still work?
Hashtags are still more beneficial than ever on Instagram! They can help you grow your following organically by using strategic hashtags in each of the posts, even when the update rolls out.

Does it matter what type of photos are shared?
Photos don’t have to be professional and that is the beauty of Instagram. Although, if the photos are blurry or unrecognizable, they will not perform well. If you feel your content needs something more, try incorporating video on your page!

Should I pay to play?
Paid Instagram ads can be beneficial for your Instagram account. Although it’s important to do your research before you start investing money into these ads. Target the audience you’re looking for and be strategic about what posts you choose to sponsor.

At the end of the day, if you produce good quality content, your Instagram will continue to thrive. Change is a good thing and you can expect to have a newsfeed that provides you with higher quality posts.

If you have any questions regarding content creation and management on Instagram, give us a call.

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